
英検超1級 英単語

英検1級の先の英単語 アカデミックな文章や高度な議論、公式文書で使われます。何度も繰り返し聴いて覚えましょう! 音声47秒

Aberration – 異常、逸脱

Abrogate – 廃止する、撤廃する

Adumbrate – ほのめかす、予示する

Alacrity – 敏速、即座の対応

Anathema – 嫌悪されるもの、破門

Antediluvian – 大昔の、時代遅れの

Apocryphal – 真偽が疑わしい

Assiduous – 勤勉な、根気強い

Bifurcate – 分岐する

Bilk – だまし取る、回避する

Calumny – 中傷、誹謗

Celerity – 迅速、敏捷

Chicanery – ごまかし、詭弁

Circumlocution – 回りくどい言い方

Conflagration – 大火、戦争・大災害

Contumacious – 反抗的な、不服従の

Debacle – 崩壊、大失敗

Deleterious – 有害な

Demagogue – 扇動政治家

Diaphanous – 透けて見える、繊細な

Didactic – 教訓的な

Discomfit – 挫折させる、困惑させる

Ebullient – 熱意にあふれた

Effulgent – 光り輝く

Egregious – 甚だしい、目に余る

Enervate – 活力を奪う

Ephemeral – つかの間の

Equanimity – 平静、沈着

Execrate – 呪う、激しく非難する

Extirpate – 根絶する

Fatuous – 愚かな、ばかげた

Garrulous – 饒舌な、おしゃべりな

Hegemony – 主導権、覇権

Iconoclast – 伝統や偶像を破壊する人

Impecunious – 無一文の、貧しい

Inchoate – 初期段階の、不完全な

Inimical – 敵意のある、不利な

Lachrymose – 涙もろい、悲しげな

Lugubrious – 悲しげな、陰鬱な

Mendacious – 虚偽の、嘘つきの

Obdurate – 頑固な、冷酷な

Obfuscate – 分かりにくくする、曖昧にする

Pellucid – 透明な、明瞭な

Perfidious – 不誠実な、裏切りの

Prevaricate – 言い逃れる、嘘をつく

Propinquity – 近接、類似

Pusillanimous – 臆病な、気弱な

Recalcitrant – 頑固に抵抗する

Sycophant – ごますり、おべっか使い

Vituperative – 罵詈雑言の、辛辣な




英単語を使った例文で意味と使い方を理解しましょう! 音声2分48秒

Aberration(異常、逸脱):His sudden anger was an aberration from his usual calm demeanor.

Abrogate(廃止する、撤廃する):The government decided to abrogate the outdated law.

Adumbrate(ほのめかす、予示する):The dark clouds adumbrated the approaching storm.

Alacrity(敏速、即座の対応):She accepted the job offer with alacrity.

Anathema(嫌悪されるもの、破門):The idea of cheating is an anathema to him.

Antediluvian(大昔の、時代遅れの):His views on technology are almost antediluvian.

Apocryphal(真偽が疑わしい):The story about the haunted house is probably apocryphal.

Assiduous(勤勉な、根気強い):He was an assiduous student who always did his homework.

Bifurcate(分岐する):The river bifurcates into two smaller streams.

Bilk(だまし取る、回避する):The scammer tried to bilk the old woman out of her savings.

Calumny(中傷、誹謗):His reputation was damaged by calumny.

Celerity(迅速、敏捷):The firefighter acted with celerity to save the family.

Chicanery(ごまかし、詭弁):He used chicanery to win the election.

Circumlocution(回りくどい言い方):The politician’s circumlocution confused the audience.

Conflagration(大火、戦争・大災害):The conflagration destroyed the entire neighborhood.

Contumacious(反抗的な、不服従の):The contumacious prisoner refused to follow orders.

Debacle(崩壊、大失敗):The product launch turned into a complete debacle.

Deleterious(有害な):Smoking has a deleterious effect on health.

Demagogue(扇動政治家):The demagogue stirred the crowd with his fiery speeches.

Diaphanous(透けて見える、繊細な):She wore a diaphanous dress that flowed in the breeze.

Didactic(教訓的な):The novel was didactic, aiming to teach a moral lesson.

Discomfit(挫折させる、困惑させる):His unexpected question discomfited the speaker.

Ebullient(熱意にあふれた):She was ebullient with excitement after the victory.

Effulgent(光り輝く):The sunrise was effulgent and breathtaking.

Egregious(甚だしい、目に余る):His egregious mistake cost the company millions.

Enervate(活力を奪う):The heat seemed to enervate the entire team.

Ephemeral(つかの間の):Beauty is often ephemeral.

Equanimity(平静、沈着):He faced the crisis with equanimity.

Execrate(呪う、激しく非難する):They execrated the traitor for his betrayal.

Extirpate(根絶する):The government aimed to extirpate corruption.

Fatuous(愚かな、ばかげた):His fatuous remarks annoyed everyone.

Garrulous(饒舌な、おしゃべりな):The garrulous neighbor talked for hours.

Hegemony(主導権、覇権):The country’s hegemony in the region lasted decades.

Iconoclast(伝統や偶像を破壊する人):He was an iconoclast who challenged social norms.

Impecunious(無一文の、貧しい):The impecunious artist struggled to pay rent.

Inchoate(初期段階の、不完全な):Her plans were still inchoate and undefined.

Inimical(敵意のある、不利な):The policy was inimical to progress.

Lachrymose(涙もろい、悲しげな):The film left the audience lachrymose.

Lugubrious(悲しげな、陰鬱な):He had a lugubrious expression at the funeral.

Mendacious(虚偽の、嘘つきの):The mendacious witness misled the jury.

Obdurate(頑固な、冷酷な):He remained obdurate despite the evidence.

Obfuscate(分かりにくくする、曖昧にする):The report was designed to obfuscate the facts.

Pellucid(透明な、明瞭な):Her explanation was clear and pellucid.

Perfidious(不誠実な、裏切りの):His perfidious actions broke their trust.

Prevaricate(言い逃れる、嘘をつく):He tends to prevaricate when asked difficult questions.

Propinquity(近接、類似):Their propinquity in the office led to a friendship.

Pusillanimous(臆病な、気弱な):His pusillanimous response disappointed his team.

Recalcitrant(頑固に抵抗する):The recalcitrant child refused to cooperate.

Sycophant(ごますり、おべっか使い):The manager disliked sycophants who flattered him.

Vituperative(罵詈雑言の、辛辣な):The critic’s vituperative review shocked everyone.

