英検準2級 リーディング 長文対策1


Dancing Lights in the Sky

In some places near the North and South Poles, people can sometimes see beautiful lights in the night sky. These colorful lights are called the aurora. In the northern part of the world, the lights are called the aurora borealis, or the northern lights. In the southern part of the world, they are called the aurora australis, or the southern lights. The aurora usually appears in green, but it can also show other colors like red, purple, or blue.

The lights are created when particles from the sun hit the Earth’s atmosphere. The Earth’s magnetic field pulls these particles toward the poles, where they mix with gases in the air and create the bright lights. The best time to see the aurora is during the winter when the sky is very dark.

For many people, seeing the aurora is a special experience. Long ago, people made stories to explain these dancing lights. In some cultures, people believed that the lights were spirits of their ancestors. In others, they thought the lights were gods playing games in the sky.

Today, scientists understand how the aurora is created, but it still feels magical to watch. Some tourists travel to places like Norway, Canada, and New Zealand just to see the aurora. However, because the aurora depends on solar activity, it is not always possible to see it. On some nights, the lights are very bright, but on other nights, they may not appear at all.


Where can people sometimes see the aurora?

  1. In forests near the mountains.
  2. Near the North and South Poles.
  3. In the middle of the ocean.
  4. In warm and tropical areas.

Why do some people travel to places like Norway or Canada?

  1. To visit large cities and museums.
  2. To enjoy sunny and warm weather.
  3. To see the beautiful aurora.
  4. To learn about local animals.

What did some ancient people believe about the aurora?

  1. It was created by their ancestors’ spirits.
  2. It was caused by burning trees.
  3. It was a sign of good weather.
  4. It was made by ocean waves.

What is one thing we know about the aurora?

  1. It always appears at the same time each night.
  2. It only shows blue and purple colors.
  3. It depends on particles from the sun.
  4. It can be seen in all parts of the world.




  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 1
  4. 3


Where can people sometimes see the aurora?

  1. 山の近くの森で。
  2. 北極や南極の近くで。
  3. 海の真ん中で。
  4. 暖かく熱帯の地域で。
    正解: 2. 北極や南極の近くで。
    解説: オーロラは地球の磁場に沿って北極や南極の近くに現れます。太陽からの粒子が地球の大気と反応することで発生し、北極圏や南極圏で観察することができます。


Why do some people travel to places like Norway or Canada?

  1. 大きな都市や博物館を訪れるため。
  2. 晴れて暖かい天気を楽しむため。
  3. 美しいオーロラを見るため。
  4. 地元の動物について学ぶため。
    正解: 3. 美しいオーロラを見るため。
    解説: ノルウェーやカナダなどの国々はオーロラが見られることで有名です。特に冬の暗い夜はオーロラが見やすく、多くの観光客がこの自然現象を体験するために訪れます。


What did some ancient people believe about the aurora?

  1. 先祖の霊が作り出したと信じていた。
  2. 燃える木によってできたと信じていた。
  3. 良い天気のしるしだと信じていた。
  4. 海の波によってできたと信じていた。
    正解: 1. 先祖の霊が作り出したと信じていた。
    解説: 科学的な知識がなかった時代、人々はオーロラをさまざまな伝説や神話で説明しようとしました。多くの文化で、オーロラは先祖の霊や神々のしるしだと考えられていました。


What is one thing we know about the aurora?

  1. 毎晩同じ時間に現れる。
  2. 青と紫の色だけが見える。
  3. 太陽からの粒子によって起こる。
  4. 世界中どこでも見ることができる。
    正解: 3. 太陽からの粒子によって起こる。
    解説: オーロラは太陽から放出される粒子が地球の大気と衝突することで発生します。この現象は、太陽の活動が影響しているため、時期や場所によって見え方が変わります。

